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Social Influence from Social Media
Friday arvo at the office I have 6 deadlines unmet, I am way to hangry from attempting some detox that Bernard recommended to me and the...
Are your clients seeing your vision? - Tenders/Proposals
How much did you spend creating your last major tender or proposal? From the analysis, research, reporting, sketching, mock-ups and...
Working Files - Why Do You Have to Pay?
This question is something that both designers and customers knock back and forth all the time. So why should you pay for working files?...
Design is an ROI for Business
Design-led thinking has become a real buzz word in the business realm – with companies like Apple, Sony, Coke and Nike leading the way –...
Transparency in Our Workflow
By subscribing with, it allows you to focus on growing your business and creating relationships with your customers. Behind...
Do You Even Design?
Well, let's start with a couple questions... Are you creatively driven? Are you aware of visual language and trends? Are you able to...
Breakfast and Business
This morning Bernard Kassab was fortunate to present to a great room of business owners as a member of BNI CBD Shine which meets every...
Going Through the Brand Process - 4 Things to Know
Going through our own brand process, we've been able to really put our processes into action. Here are some things to consider when going...
Four Step Process to Success: Begin with the End in Mind
It is widely acknowledged that setting objectives with your business, focusing towards them and aligning all company behaviours towards...
Ask “Why?” Then Ask “Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?”
Client discovery is a crucial step in understanding the requirements a client to create the best outcomes and producing the best result....
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